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Old 07-16-2020, 07:00 AM
BaltOrioles BaltOrioles is offline
Alan Strout
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Maine/Florida
Posts: 826
Default Queensgate Lid (Update)

Originally Posted by uyu906
Very cool letter from Brooks about York, PA (close to where I live and grew-up). I was just at the Queensgate shopping center today for lunch!
Originally Posted by Mark70Z View Post

Maybe you can help in the research of the Queensgate disc that Alan (BaltOrioles) posted on Post #210. Really would like to find out what that disc is. I believe it's associated with the opening of the store in the Queensgate shopping center, but unsure what is was used for.
With all the discussion lately about the Brooks Robinson Sporting Goods store and the Queensgate shopping center, it seems like a good time to update everyone on my research. The letter Mark posted was great. It means that if the disc is related to a store in the Queensgate shopping center, the time frame would be 1974-1977. Can anyone verify that a store actually opened at the mall? I contacted Bruce Genther, who was the art director for the store for many years. He mentioned the store closed in 1977. Unfortunately, he doesn't remember producing or helping produce anything like the disc. However, the design on the front of the shirt, Mark posted on 7/12, looks very much like the disc design. Bruce did say that Brooks did many appearances in York, so it's possible the disc is not related to the store, but another promotion. I've also reached out to a lady that does a blog on York County history to get her input, but no response yet.

I wish I had more info to share, but really appreciate Mark's letter.

Someday, I would love to have Brooks take a look at it to see if he remembers what it was used for. Anyone with Brooks connections, send him a note.

Here's a picture of the disc again. It's hard plastic and about the size of a KFC chicken bucket lid.

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