Thread: Crazy uncles
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Old 07-16-2020, 01:02 PM
sflayank sflayank is online now
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Default Crazy uncles

Dave i have 5 lots coming from crazy uncles..I hope...they're in the mail and should arrive friday and saturday...just incase I'll have to videotape opening them..making sure everything is there
That being ssid....for the life of could anyone
With your money, knowledge, and collecting enthusiasm
Possibly give a million dollars worth of historical autographs documents etc...president vice president
Declaration of independence signers to an unknown auction....I wouldn't even put that stuff in any sports auction....that's for Christie's sotheby's etc...probably who you bought them from...I'm surprised you didnt give them a Picasso....that being said.noone should get screwed over like that...but it's almost like you said ..I dont know you but heres a million dollars do what u want