Thread: Crazy uncles
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Old 07-16-2020, 08:09 PM
sportscomicfantasy sportscomicfantasy is offline
Michae! Sh@cter
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Florida
Posts: 92

First, no offense to those of you criticizing Dave, but how many of you have collections likely as good as Dave does. No one gets a collection like that unless they inherit it, win the lottery, or have done well in their lives to be able to acquire such a collection. It seems that Dave did the later, working his way through life to save such a great collection. So I think Dave is allowed to make a mistake here and there. I wish I was in a position to have made such a mistake. I am really sorry that this happened to him and know the rest of you do too, and sure those of you criticizing him wouldn't have done such a thing, but how many of you criticizing him have anywhere near the collection he does to even think about that, not happening???

Dave, I have been thinking about this for the last few days and thinking back to when I was thinking about this auction the first time I got an email about it. And I feel that I have to THANK YOU! I think I saw a lot of your expensive items on the auction site and thought I should stay on more affordable auctions sites.

I also understand your wanting to help out the new guy, heard your report of how someone gave you a chance and you ran with it hard, made something of yourself, and never looked back it seems. I know you said he ruined it for other future startups, but I stress you to re-think that.

Guessing you're a bit older than me, not too much but my point is that things were different years ago. I remember my parents opening up businesses with no money when I was a kid and they made something of themselves. They went bankrupt one time but paid all the little guys and let the big companies go into the bankruptcy. I too was given chances, though I didn't do as well as my parents did, I was happy to be given a chance which I did do good. But like most things in my life, bad timing, it was just before 9-11. You can't do that anymore, you need credit, you need money like never before and you still need a little luck.

A bit long-winded but my point is that you should give those chances to the next guy but along the lines of others who suggested a smaller first submission, which I know you said you did, but then just a little more each time until they really prove consistently that they are doing really good by you.