Thread: Crazy uncles
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Old 07-17-2020, 06:30 AM
CJDave CJDave is offline
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Location: Long Island, NY
Posts: 401

Originally Posted by Bicem View Post
I can understand why Dave went with Crazy Uncle on such a large consignment. They offered him reserves on seemingly every single lot including lower priced commons, something no other AH is going to do. It was obviously important to Dave to protect his investment at the values he perceived his collection to be worth, so really Crazy Uncle was his ONLY choice. I don't think it's unreasonable for Dave to have expected Crazy Uncle to not blatantly lie to him and fail to actually implement the reserves. If all the above details of what occurred are true, 100% of the blame lies with Crazy Uncle and not Dave in my opinion.

Hi Jeff. Thank you. You hit the nail on the head. No offense to the bigger AHs because I have consigned with them and they have been absolutely professional.....but sometimes the little guys can give you more of that 1 on 1 attention. Kinda like going to the doctor, you can go to a large established medical building or you can go to that "one man shop" where they know you and your needs because they have fewer clients. Just my thought !!!