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Old 07-17-2020, 11:30 PM
ahumes13 ahumes13 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Columbia, SC
Posts: 275

Originally Posted by sb1 View Post
The last Dallas regional show in June was highly attended and buying and selling was very brisk, masks and all. There were people with dollars burning a hole in their pocket. I think the attendance at the National if held would surprise you. Not saying it will happen, just that if it does, business will go on as usual, perhaps even better. Most people have more money now than they did before the crisis and have not spent it, pent up frenzy, just like the card prices seen recently.
Not sure highlighting the willingness of people to attend large events that took place in Texas (and many other states) in June is a harbinger of things to come. Last month was a magical era where pent-up folks felt like the worst was behind them and were comfortable going out. Most can see what that has led to. Have to imagine the optimism (and extra money) will be diminished moving forward.
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