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Old 07-20-2020, 08:50 AM
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thetahat thetahat is offline
The Uber Anal Retentive Freak
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: not far from Mt. Vernon, PA
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Okay pennant guys, another Retro Clean experiment. I have two 1964 Phillies picture pennants, decided to try it out on my “lesser” condition one. This one was very yellowed and I first tried the diluted bleach and that didn’t quite work, left it blotchy. The picture was barely hanging on so it was easy to remove - keeping original tape intact - along with the year ribbon. After soaking for only a few hours it greatly improved. I wish I took a pic of the back ... there was the typical glue residue that you typically see, it even came through to the front which is not atypical. All gone.

I did notice that the solution in the tub had a very light red tint to it, from the spine and tassels. This left a very very faint red tint to the pennant. So while it was wet and drying, I sprayed a highly diluted bleach mix on it and then Febreze. Now it is pristine with no smell.

Reapplied the pic with clear Elmers glue stick on the original tape.

So... this was a success. Part of one tassel was a casualty, it was very weak to begin with and came off while removing.

Before and after pics below. I’ll add that the “before” doesn’t look so bad but that’s because it directly under a light, it was more toned than it appears.

Last edited by thetahat; 07-20-2020 at 09:28 AM.
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