Thread: Crazy uncles
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Old 07-20-2020, 09:58 AM
CJDave CJDave is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: Long Island, NY
Posts: 401

Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
Dave, couldn't you physically go to Aaron's home/place of business and demand your items? Given the suspicious nature of their auction and the amount of money involved, I would be on the first plane, along with my mask, of course. Auctions are a complicated business, and it seems CU didn't learn much from their first auction, making even more of a mess on their second

I did consider that, but then I would have to go to the local police station there, explain the situation and from what I have been told the police will tell me this is a civil matter and let the courts deal with it. If I then show up at his place, he will end up calling the police on me for trespassing, making threats, etc...….which may hurt my position in the end.