Thread: Crazy uncles
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Old 07-24-2020, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by MCyganik View Post
Putting on my tin foil hat here:

What if the "elite collectors" who "own" Crazy Uncle that Aaron is just the "President" of were in fact Joe Orlando and other higher ups at PSA/Collectors Universe?
It's very possible...

Below is a list (off the top of my head- I'm sure there's more) of identical business practices which Crazy Uncle and PSA share...

* A complete lack of communication from management on key issues and concerns
* Disappearing when public issues need to be addressed
* Lack of any follow-up measures to help the customer
* Unthinkable incompetence/ineptitude at doing the one thing they are supposed to do
* Failure to honor their commitments (PSA with its supposed "Guarantee" / CU with enacting its reserves)
* Apparent disdain for it's customer base
* Complete failure to ship the customers' possessions back to them in a timely manner
* Inherent lies and false statements which hide actual facts
* Banning of dissatisfied, truth-telling customers

Crazy Uncle and PSA run their respective businesses the same exact way. Since PSA is thriving despite employing these "unusual" business tactics, perhaps they myopically believe it can work in other arenas, like online auctions.

I would not be at all surprised if Orlando and Sloan were revealed to be the owners. Collectors Universe (CU) and Crazy Uncle (CU)... Just a "crazy" coincidence?
I think not.

Last edited by perezfan; 07-24-2020 at 09:26 AM.