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Old 07-26-2020, 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by cardsagain74 View Post
Ford was an amazing pitcher, but he readily admits to becoming Harris from Major League with the baseball in his later years.

There was someone above who considered Clemens to be the antichrist because he cheated. Well, obviously some of the old-timers did too. Most of it was just accepted back then (and ignored by anyone looking back today.)

That's why it's never made any sense to just forget what guys like Ford did when it comes to the subject, and focus only on Clemens, Bonds, etc. As far as HOF credentials or otherwise
This is a good point against Ford. At the end of his career he had a ring that he used to cut baseballs with to give his pitches extra movement. Ford was cutting balls in the 1963 World Series and Koufax still beat him twice.
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