Thread: Crazy uncles
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Old 07-28-2020, 08:48 AM
hcv123 hcv123 is offline
Howard Chasser
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Default Aaron has spoken loud and clear.....

Originally Posted by CJDave View Post
Thank you Jeff. Those are very kind words and I appreciate you taking the time to say what you did. Yes, I gave someone a second chance and yes they screwed me for that. But as you said, and to further the analogy, (and pardon the crude comparison) but you don't blame the rape victim because they walked alone one day......was it a bad decision to walk alone, yes, but the despicable act is 100% on the criminal.

I've said this repeatedly on this thread but here's one more try......I welcome Aaron's comments and/or rebuttals. The reason he has not commented is because he knows he screwed me intentionally and he knows I can document EVERYTHING I am saying here. He has no defense other that incompetence or thievery....THAT IS ALL HE HAS. Any excuse he comes up with, I can show document after document to prove he is not telling the whole truth.

Does anyone else find it odd that he has not commented for weeks (and we know he has been logged in)??? Wouldn't any of you be defending yourselves if I were in fact telling lies about you??? Could it be that I am telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth???

And once again, the legal aspect is being taken care of...…..these postings are just FYIs and a detail of my experience.....again not trying to influence anyone to stop doing business with Crazy are all adults, make your own decisions.

So Aaron...…….BRING IT!!!!!!!!
The volume and impact of his silence is deafening!!