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Old 07-28-2020, 04:36 PM
timn1 timn1 is offline
Tim Newcomb
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Illinois
Posts: 1,096
Default Here’s a scientific fact for you


Florida reports new daily record of coronavirus deaths
The Florida Department of Health reported 186 new deaths due to COVID-19 on Tuesday.

Read in CBS News:

Shared from Apple News

Ps. Taylor, I’m not saying you or many others who might have a range of opinions on issues are foolish sheep and only get their “news” from Trump’s tweets. But all too many people have convinced themselves that he can do no wrong and a lot of them seem willing to endanger others in order to make their point, regardless of anything that reputable medical science might have to say. Like the people refusing to wear masks in private businesses, claiming it’s their right.

Originally Posted by tschock View Post
There have been quite a few salient points made here and other places regarding the response to the virus. There have also been some off the wall stuff (from various views) that doesn't add anything as well. I would suggest the hyperbole above would be among the latter.

For the record, there are quite a few "scientific facts" that aren't very scientific nor facts as presented to the public, starting with the usage of masks and face coverings. People do not use them as they are meant to be used. Are people disposing the paper masks once they take them off? Are they washing their cloth masks daily? Do they touch their face at any point once they have put the mask on?

The bottom line is the most effective way to stop the transmission of the virus is the same for most corona type virus. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and don't touch your face.

As to social distancing. Why is it 6 feet in the US and 1 meter in basically the rest of the world? There are also studies that show lock downs aren't effective in preventing the spread. There are many more examples for those that really care, though those that are firm in their beliefs will remain so regardless.

There are many of us that don't follow twitter, don't get our news off of facespace, don't listen to the talking heads, and don't read the newspapers. But we do our own research and critical thinking because we don't automatically trust everything being spoon fed to us, regardless of point of view.

Last edited by timn1; 07-28-2020 at 04:42 PM.
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