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Old 07-29-2020, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
Here's an article from a doctor that has treated 699 Coronavirus patients with the "miracle drug," all with 100% effectiveness. The article is 4 months old, so I'm sure the numbers are much larger now.

Hey, maybe you can try to discredit this doctor too as it's obvious you don't have anything useful to add.
I'm not sure why looking into the credentials or background of someone who touts a cure that is a departure from most agreed-upon medical research is not "useful"?? I don't particularly trust the government (either side) or media (either side,) but before completely trusting someone highly touted by the far-right or far-left, how about some research?

As I said before, I'd be thrilled if some sort of chloroquine cure would work for everyone, or even most. But when a big pharma company that actually sells the drug says "hey, we don't want this touted as curing covid because there is no research to say it does," that gives me pause. When research groups from the US cancel trials because they feel there is danger, it's easy to say "politics." But what about when researchers from OUTSIDE the US say the same thing? I've heard zinc and vitamin D is great for helping people, but if you go back before covid, you can find many articles showing how too many people lack zinc and vitamin d in their daily diets, so maybe that's part of the problem?

As for Dr. Zelenko, he claimed to have treated and cured xxx amount of covid patients, depending on the source. However, he also states that early on in the pandemic, he didn't even bother testing his patients, he just gave his cocktail to anyone at risk, even if they were asymptomatic. I don't think that gives credence to his numbers. Also, it does not appear that he has gone on to save "much larger numbers."

"Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, family practitioner and major proponent of the use of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin to treat COVID -19. Among his claims is that he treated anywhere from 300 to 1450 COVID-19 patients. Of 405 high risk patients treated early in the course of their illnesses, there were “2 deaths, four on respirators. The rest recovered fully.” Those are mighty impressive numbers, but no one else has seen the data. It should come as no surprise that the fact checking website Snopes was unable to substantiate his claims.

After community leaders in the town where he practiced criticized him for spreading misinformation, Zelenko decided to leave his practice—destination unknown." It appears now he has written a book and is starting a website.
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