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Old 07-29-2020, 12:24 PM
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earlywynnfan earlywynnfan is offline
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Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
I give you names of 2 doctors that are using Hydroxychoroquine and you try to tear down their credentials and make them look stupid and I'm the one with "jerkiness" and an "arrogant, condescending attitude?" Pot meet kettle.

Not only doctors are claiming that it works, patients are as well. Go read the comments of the Michigan State Representative.
  • "It went from the headaches being severe to fluid building up in my lungs, to sweats breaking out to the cough and my breathing being labored."
  • "It all happened in a matter of hours."
  • "For me, it saved my life.”
Let me ask you a simple question. Let's say you're diagnosed with the Virus and your doctor tells you he/she is going to prescribe you Hydroxychoroquine. Do you take it? Yes or no?
No, I don't. But to be fair, I rarely go to the doctor, and I am very anti-pharma by nature.

As for your Michigan state rep, she has a great story, and I am truly glad this worked out for her. Now what about mr. Bergen's story, it didn't work out so well for those poor people. Please respond to his story.

As for your doctors, feel free to follow them, I don't care. But if you have the right to post on here a video of a doctor giving advice, I have the right to post that she also believes reptilian creatures are running our government. Or a doctor who says he's cured 600 people, yet doesn't see a point to testing, and was asked to leave his community because of his comments (not what I'd expect from the neighborhood savior). Some might feel it adds some context. If you don't think it matters, you can ignore me.

God forbid, if you were to catch the virus, and you take this particular cure, I hope it works for you. I hope you have better results than many have had.

Question for you: do you wear a mask when in public, even if not mandated?
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