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Old 07-29-2020, 03:35 PM
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earlywynnfan earlywynnfan is offline
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Originally Posted by cannonballsun View Post
I'm from Louisiana. I understand why many people do (as well as many don't) like and wave the Confederate flag. I don't get why anyone up north would like and wave a Confederate flag.
I can only think of one reason. It seems to be a proud proclamation that the Confederate flag waver up north is a racist. Am I wrong ? What would the other reasons be ?
Well, I graduated HS in the '80's. We were the South Rebels, which geographically didn't make much sense because if you walk directly north out of our town you will be swimming to Canada. So back then we all flew our Rebel flags, because it was our HS and we didn't know any better. (Needless to say, we were almost 100% lily white, too. I had a black buddy there who jokingly referred to himself as "The Token.")

Sometime by the early 90's the flag went away, the crowd murmured "Hey!" and life went on. A while back, the simple drawing of a Confederate soldier disappeared. A few people went "hey."

Now I look back and wonder what the heck we were thinking??
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