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Old 08-02-2020, 12:05 PM
HistoricNewspapers HistoricNewspapers is offline
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Posts: 185

Originally Posted by cammb View Post
As one baseball writer put it, "we don't vote for Clemens but we accept the accomplishments of other power pitchers that time". You like comparisons, so I like to compare him to Barry Bonds. Both got better with age.
I'm personally undecided how to treat Clemens or Bonds. If you disregard steroids they are the best pitcher and best hitter ever respectively. However, I have no interest in getting into that debate

However, if you are going to ding Bonds and Clemens, then that just makes guys like Randy Johnson shine even brighter. Johnson gets a couple more Cy Youngs. I'll take this debate every day for the rest of the summer though. Maybe not every day...

I do want to point out, that as much as I am hailing Johnson over Koufax, I do agree that Koufax gets dinged a little too much by many sabermatricians for his home ballpark. It is definitely a factor, but the degree of which is indeed still up for debate.

Last edited by HistoricNewspapers; 08-02-2020 at 12:12 PM.
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