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Old 08-29-2020, 09:00 PM
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Cliff Bowman Cliff Bowman is offline
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Originally Posted by JollyElm View Post
Here's more food for thought...that adds even more wrinkles to the problem. The checklist has the red/magenta plate very much misaligned, so it's possible that the light blue stripe on the card above it could very well supposed to be violet/purple (or perhaps a different color?), but the red is missing (and would have been printed above the blue sliver that is visible). There's no way to know if the blue we see is as it's supposed to be, or if it is missing a part of its color makeup. This logical hole keeps getting deeper.
If anyone knows what color you get when you mix red with light blue then we can nail it .
“interesting to some absolute garbage to others.” —- “Error cards and variations are for morons, IMHO.”
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