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Old 09-06-2020, 10:28 AM
carlsonjok carlsonjok is offline
Jeff Carlson
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Norman, OK
Posts: 590

Originally Posted by Michael B View Post
Before it hit the network news it got coverage on the web - MSN and AOL. His aunt wrote that he loved rocks, wanted to be a geologist one day and would love it if people would send him some rocks. She provided an address in the article. I do enjoy looking at mineral displays at museums though I don't collect them myself.
Can you PM me the address? I am not a rock hound, but I have been blessed (or cursed depending on how you look at it) by living on top of a huge seam of barite rose rocks. They are actually quite rare, mainly only occurring in a thin band running north to south in Oklahoma, with minor occurrences in Australia and Morocco. I'd like to send him some.

EDIT: I ganked that picture out of the local newspapers article archive. Rose rocks sitting in prairie hay seemed familiar to me, so I found the article it was from. In a funny coincidence, the newspaper photographer took that picture of our display the one year my wife and I sold them at the Rose Rock Festival.

Last edited by carlsonjok; 09-06-2020 at 10:34 AM.
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