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Old 09-11-2020, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by erikc21 View Post
It honestly was a fluke find. I stumbled across a guy who had a bunch of newspaper and magazine clippings, and I randomly found a pennant advertisement without even thinking to look for one (I like history). I told him if he had additional ones, I'd be interested. And he found some! I paid between $7-$15 per, but it was worth it to save the history and share with the Community. Although I half thought to secretly hoard the knowledge, collect all the pennants listed, then post my findings

It would be cool to go to a Detroit library and look up 1913 Detroit Free Press publications (Sunday edition) on microfilm. Heck, maybe this stuff is all digital and online now? Greg and Marc, do you work for Universities and know how the average Joe can look into this sort of thing?
Erik, yep I’m at a 4 year school, although we only have access to the Philly paper archives. Don’t know if it is all digital. Still, very cool find!
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