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Old 09-21-2020, 02:17 PM
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Tripredacus Tripredacus is offline
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Posts: 336

Originally Posted by ooo-ribay View Post
Welcome! You're not the only one who has those problems, but I'm not sure why that is. If my photos are "right" when I upload them, them come out "right."
This happens because the pictures you took are actually sideways, but the software in your phone or camera is rotating them to look "correct" for you. The images themselves have a piece of data called an EXIF tag, specifically, Orientation. This data is used to set the 0,0 point of a photo to a certain corner, so that it displays properly in any software that supports that tag. Unfortunately, this is still relatively new thing and there are still many websites that either do not read photo metadata, or strip that data when you upload the file because it actually does an image conversion.
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