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Old 09-26-2020, 02:52 PM
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jingram058 jingram058 is offline
J@mes In.gram
Join Date: Sep 2020
Location: In the past
Posts: 2,089

Nope, graded is a huge waste of time and money. I like having my cards in albums, where I can pull them out and look at them, in my own hands, much like I did as a kid. And that's the whole point to me. My wife and daughter could not care any less about my cards, programs, signed balls, comic books, etc. And I could not care any less that they don't care. It's my hobby. They do know, though, and are very much aware that this man-cave stuff is worth money. But I'm not in this hobby to set the world on fire or somehow find the holy grail. I just like my cards, and I like them raw. As long as they are kept nice, I don't think they will be going down in value. So, when I up and croak, and my wife or daughter sells them off, bring your loupe and blacklight, and have at! I don't think I can take them to the other side!
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