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Old 10-08-2020, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by jchcollins View Post
If we are being positive and not criticizing the community as a whole, sure I would like to see PSA "improve" - but I think you do this via a free market and giving them more competition. Place more emphasis on correct authentication and the subtleties of alteration than simply focusing on the difference between a PSA 9 and 10, perhaps. But again, there would have to be a market demand to do this - and if the past 2 years for PWCC and PSA are any indication - a few people here on message boards that are actually card geeks and not just flip worshippers have not been nearly enough to do that.
A vast majority of collectors seem to like The Emperor's New Clothes. The number on the flip is more important than the actual item being evaluated.
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