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Old 10-27-2020, 10:43 AM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
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Originally Posted by jchcollins View Post
I can't recall his name, maybe someone here does - but one of the guys on the FB groups is a fairly new VP at PSA/CU. He did post yesterday for the owner of that card to please contact him. I would hope they would make it right, but would agree this day in age - would not be surprised if they don't.
If PSA recalls the card, it serves to benefit themselves, first and foremost. They are not doing it because it's the right thing for the collector. They are doing it to squelch and hide their ineptitude by getting it off the market.

They are quick to hide and conceal their blunders on obvious fakes, but have no problem whatsoever keeping their more subtle bleached, recolored and trimmed cards in circulation... no matter how conclusive the before/after evidence of tampering and alteration.
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