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Old 11-11-2020, 07:03 AM
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Larry More.y
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 2,007

Originally Posted by Belfast1933 View Post
dealers often say it’s hard to keep a bright line between being a collector or being a dealer
For years(late 90s-2011), I was a PT dealer who strictly bought to resell to fund my collection. My collection grew exponentially in these years as I prospered as a reseller who reinvested all of my profits into my collection.

Fearing a downsize at my last job (I was correct) in 2011, I convinced my spouse to go FT with selling cards. Have not looked back and enjoy every moment.

To answer the quote above, yes I still collect, but my system to collecting versus selling is simple....I use my CC/ebay rewards to fund my collecting so as to not intermingle business and collecting funds. Yes, from time to time I may pull 1 card out of a 1000 card deal to keep for my collection, but my resell purchases versus collecting purchases are mostly always kept separate. My goal as a reseller on a purchase is not to add to my collection, but to show a profit so I can provide an income for my family.

Interesting article that came out a few days ago in regards to taxes on collectors profits.....
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