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Old 12-13-2020, 04:55 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,335

Jonathan----You have a nice collection going there with Mick's fine gum cards. I sure wish you the best, bro. I like your mitts, too. Finally, welcome back to the immediate post-war collecting. Glad to have you back, bro!!!!!! Sounds like the 19th century cadre incurred a huge loss with your decision to return to our era. Wishing you the very best, and hope you're able to enjoy the hobby with your 12-year old son. That's terrific!

IF you and your son enjoy reading, a few years ago I wrote an E-book on a CD about the immediate post-war niche of collecting regional / food issues. Mr. Mantle is featured in a few chapters. As I so enjoyed your post, I would be happy to send you a complimentary copy. By some small chance, perhaps your son might find it amusing, even interesting. Simply send me your mailing address, Jonathan. You can reach me here or at my email address: Understand, you will need a disk drive on your computer or laptop to read it. Just a friendly offer, bro; no strings attached. Have a swell day. --- Brian Powell
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