Thread: Fake or real?
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Old 01-01-2021, 04:39 PM
ASF123 ASF123 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2020
Location: Chicago
Posts: 485

Thanks much for the advice, everyone - it sounds like I was on the right track as far as comparing it to known commons, etc.

So, further update...get this: I was going through my HOF box just now to rearrange it alphabetically by player rather than by year, and I found another 65T Mays in about the same shape that I had completely forgotten I bought about a month ago. (This is what happens when you get a little overly enthusiastic about buying cards after a long layoff.)

Comparing the two directly, I'm now completely convinced that this one is legit. Either that, or they're both examples of the same incredibly good fake. I don't see any or feel any differences at all, even under the loupe.
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