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Old 01-18-2021, 06:47 AM
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Tom Boblitt
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 2,014

My nonsports auction is with SSA. I have done three auctions a year for the last two years. 2021 is the third year. I'll do Feb, Jun and October this year. The hack hasn't caused me many problems other than I had to push my Jan auction back to Feb. It sounds easy to just hop over to another software but it is not quite that easy. All the historical data would have to be ported over somehow and you'd have to learn a completely new software for running your auctions. It may come to that at some point and I'm sure other SSA users are considering jumping ship, but, for now, I'm staying put. As for information gathered, other than address and phone number which is important, my site doesn't collect any payment info--only paid through the PayPal API or via check/money order. And passwords are not visible to me through the software. I hope that's the case as, like most of you all, I'm registered with a number of SSA sites too. Last word I got was that the sites would be back up this afternoon.
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