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Old 01-24-2021, 07:07 AM
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swarmee swarmee is offline
J0hn Raff3rty
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Niceville FL
Posts: 6,951

A lot of vintage collectors like them because they resemble the old cards they collect, and add interesting historical items like those silks/cloths you mentioned. Some of the sets even include real cards from the 1880s in modern buyback frames as chase cards. While the original Allen & Ginter didn't make any silks to my knowledge, they were really popular in the 1910 era of tobacco cards:,so,=silks,ot

Most set collectors still like them, but not as much now that you have to consider Ginter X, Chrome, and Sapphire? as parallels. Most people just liked the simplicity of a few parallels, which mostly stayed the same from year to year before Ginter X became a thing.
PWCC: The Fish Stinks From the Head
PSA: Regularly Get Cheated
BGS: Can't detect trimming on modern
SGC: Closed auto authentication business
JSA: Approved same T206 Autos before SGC
Oh, what a difference a year makes.
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