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Old 01-26-2021, 05:55 PM
Tyruscobb Tyruscobb is offline
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Originally Posted by AGuinness View Post
That's an interesting point and I was thinking earlier today about the future waves of players who have taken steroids and received suspensions, like Robinson Cano. Do you think the voters are likely to consider these offenders and having "done their time" for taking PEDs and therefore cast a vote (or not) without considering it again? Or will they continue the practice of prolonging the voting process as additional punishment... or not consider them at all?
I think all these guys will eventually get in, and their numbers obviously support it. However, I personally like making them wait. How long? That’s up to the voters. Will be interesting to see how the Veterans’ Committee treats them.

I think the younger guys that were caught early in their careers, did their time, apologized and repented, and had solid careers afterwards will be fine. I think the voters will be more forgiving of them, as opposed to the guys that refuse to admit or accept responsibility. Just my two cents. I could be way off base here.
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