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Old 01-27-2021, 10:18 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
My BIL's mother, who was perfectly healthy on Friday and tested negative for covid died 4 days later after receiving the covid vaccination.

Read into what you will but these cases, that are rarely talked about, happen a lot more than one thinks.

Personally, I will not be signing up for the shot anytime soon. It was a rush through, witches brew at best, concoction that still hasn't been proven it actually does anything good for you nor protects you from anything.

Rage on all you want, these are just my thoughts and my personal opinions, but after actually witnessing what my BIL is currently going through, this is enough for me, thanks.

I'm sorry for what your BIL went through. That must have been awful. As I've documented on this site months ago both my wifes parents died of the actual Covid, within 3 weeks of each other back in April/May.

It's not a hard choice for me when the time comes, but I understand if you have somebody who is really immune-compromised in your family, or even elderly, and you have pause about the vaccine.

In that case I would make sure everybody around them who is healthy get the vaccine, as soon as it's made available.

I wish these vaccines were 100%. They are not......but it's what we've got, and it's amazing we came as far as we did, as fast as we did with them, considering we've generally ignored this version of vaccine science until it was literally too late to avoid a catastrophe.
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