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Old 02-07-2021, 05:51 AM
jimjim jimjim is offline
Matthew Wy.llie
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 758

Originally Posted by ASF123 View Post
Welp, that SGC 5 is looking like a pretty good deal after a PSA 3 just sold for, wait for it...


Previous high: $7,812. Nine days ago.

High before that: $4200, last November.

This is just madness. The card literally tripled in 2 1/2 months.
Probably a stupid question but how does one tell if market manipulation is going on? With so few sales, it would be very easy to shill or other manipulation to artificially increase price. Just wondering as this started in the autograph market about 5 or so years ago with rare inscription baseballs.
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