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Old 02-11-2021, 04:47 PM
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Nunzio11 Nunzio11 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Maryland
Posts: 233

I've never bought into the small market argument. Sure, larger market teams are advantaged because or merchandising and TV contracts leading to the ability to sign free agents but if you put a team on the field the fans will come. I'll use Baltimore as an example because it came up and (not proud to say) I live here. This is a sports town. The Ravens have been sold out since they played at Memorial Stadium. Camden Yards was the place to be in the 90s into the 2000s. When the O's were winning in 2012-2016 the place was packed all week long because a good young team was on the field. That whole time poor organizational decisions were made ruining the farm system, and terrible contract decisions completely crushed the team.
With many of these "small markets" the franchise is a second business for ownership. With revenue sharing and luxury taxes it's hard to give a pass. Ownership is still making a killing.
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