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Old 02-27-2021, 10:34 PM
Volod Volod is offline
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Default No forensics forme

Originally Posted by Seven View Post
I'm still not at the point where I can fully determine if some raw cards are real or fake, so with certain high end purchases, I have to make sure their graded, or if they are raw, are coming from someone that I trust/ is trust worthy. Fortunately there's many trustworthy people here on Net54!
I am - and have been for a long while - at the point where, if I can't fully determine if some card is real or fake, using just my own knowledge gained from experience and research, I happily accept it as real without recrimination or regret. This probably means that there may be a high-end card in my collection that actually is fake, but since my cards have sat on shelves for so long neglected and undisturbed, the distinction doesn't concern me very much.
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