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Old 04-11-2021, 05:13 PM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 700

Originally Posted by Gnep31 View Post
You cherry pick one natural disaster regarding TX as your example? The state didn't force anyone to go without power...the weather did. How exactly does a state control the weather? How did they force their residents to not have generators? (I have 2). Did I miss when they would not allow residents to leave???

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't CA the state who has rolling black outs? LOL. I see people whining all the time about the heat and no power for AC in CA.
Are you arguing against yourself or just a hypocrite? Texas is excused because the weather caused its power problems. California is a failed state because of its rolling blackouts ... caused by the heat (i.e., weather).

I do see that one of your solutions is for each of the approximate 10 million households in Texas to have their own generator. [You must have stocks in generator companies ] So, where do the folks who live in apartments put their generators? If you rent a house, I guess you just lug your generator with you whenever you move? How do people power their generators when the fuel supply is limited because of the crisis causing their use? Keep in mind that one of the main problems during the freeze was reduced natural gas supply because of frozen equipment.

I see that another one of your solutions is for people to leave Texas. Is that what you do when you're not happy with your state government or even the federal government. You simply pack your bags and leave? Are you asking the people who stormed the capital in January why they don't just leave the country?

Go back and read earlier posts. In 1989 after power blackouts in Texas it was recommended that companies winterize their equipment. They didn't. In 2011 after power blackouts in Texas it was recommended that companies winterize their equipment. They didn't.

The Texas government could force power companies and natural gas companies to winterize their equipment (like federal guidelines require other US gas and power companies to do). But the Texas government is more concerned about letting companies do what ever they want instead of looking out for the well being of its citizens. Is that really doing things right?

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