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Old 04-13-2021, 06:55 PM
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Fballguy Fballguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Tabe View Post
It's actually closer to 98%:

However, there are more than the two outcomes from COVID than you're talking about - perfect health and death. COVID causes long-term problems in a lot of patients - heart issues, brain issues, and more. My brother is 15+ months out from getting COVID and still doesn't have his sense of taste back.

It's a lot more complicated than just "you die or you don't".

In addition to that, there is the significant burden that COVID places on the health care system. That has the effect of harming the care available to non-COVID patients.

None of the above should be interpreted in any way as advocating opening of businesses or closing of businesses.
It's not that complicated. It's a decision people should be able to decide on their own. If you're afraid of covid, don't go to a restaurant. But everyone else shouldn't be denied the right because you're afraid.

Not much different than cigarettes, alcohol, guns, motorcycles. People decide how much risk they want to assume. The gov't doesn't make the decision for them.

At this point the cat is out of the bag. Texas and Florida have dispelled just about every liberal myth related to covid. Yet liberal states still choose to fear the boogeyman.
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