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Old 04-17-2021, 06:53 AM
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Scott All.en
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Originally Posted by 68Hawk View Post
Just LOL at the commentary that sports shows have no place to lay out a political and social agenda.

Fancy an industry, whose history is shrouded in denying access to people of various ethnicities and colors and religions by white hegemonic ownership, and which now wants to throw all that bigoted stuff as far as possible from its current format and offering, allowing and encouraging FULL participation by ALL, and being able to sell it's product to a very multicultural paying populace, taking a stand against practices today that still disenfranchise many due solely to past racist policy and thinking.

The very nerve of such a thought.
I love that those who are confounded by dealing with the fact their own political and social agendas are no longer acceptable cannot keep their mouths closed about it. Always better to know thine enemy.
Sports mirrors society, right? What I've always appreciated about sports, though, is how it seems to be ahead of the curve rather than behind it, thanks to the free market aspects of it: The integration of African Americans into professional sports. Joe Louis and Jesse Owens as national heroes. Even Russians on an American hockey team. These things occurred in sports before they were generally accepted in society overall.

So politics and sports have always been intertwined. But when people hired to comment on sports like Jamele Hill and others branch away from sports commentary and into presidential politics, it risks alienating their audience - which has absolutely occurred at ESPN. And they make no attempt to offer opposing views - ever. Sorry, but that is not what I watch ESPN for.

And you imply that this point of view is racist.

"I love that those who are confounded by dealing with the fact their own political and social agendas are no longer acceptable cannot keep their mouths closed about it."

Agree with me or you're a racist. I'm so tired of this childish and intellectually lazy point of view. The fact that I don't want to listen to idiot sports commentators drone on about presidential politics doesn't mean I'm a racist.

Last edited by SAllen2556; 04-17-2021 at 04:14 PM.
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