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Old 04-25-2021, 06:08 AM
jefferyepayne jefferyepayne is online now
Jeff P
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Virginia
Posts: 2,045

Originally Posted by Harliduck View Post
Washington state where I live is pretty hardcore. We had a Twin Oaks show here in Auburn, Wa today and happy to report it went off without a hitch. In fact, they moved it to a 2 day event and will be on for tomorrow. It was freakin' packed...very nice to see. Picked up some nice cards...great show.

Here is to hoping the National can go as planned...if so, I plan on working in the area to take advantage and attend...
Same here in my area (VA/MD/PA). Have gone to a couple of small shows since Feb and while there was a line at a few, it moved and went off without a hitch. I think it depends on where you live, how restrictive things have been during the past 12 months (ie. state by state mandates), and how popular shows are in your area.

The key to how well the Natty will go and show traffic will flow is gonna be what the gathering restriction is at that point in IL. If it's less than 'wide open', there will probably be show traffic jams unless the show promoters govern ticket sales accordingly.

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