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Old 04-27-2021, 09:09 PM
hockeyhockey hockeyhockey is offline
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Posts: 829

Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
Honest to goodness? Yes, I am. I'll turn 50 years old in just under 2 months. I haven't been sick in over 45 years (since I was 5 years old). I don't get the flu. I don't catch common colds. I don't even get as much as the sniffles. The last time I was at the doctor was in 1994 when I was required to take a physical to process out of the Army.

To be honest, I do get a flu shot every year and have for decades and maybe that has something to do with my good health, but I am much more afraid of a vaccination than I am of getting sick from Covid. And I've had 2 direct contact exposures where everyone else at the gathering came down with it...except me (and I was tested each time).
so in other words you are bruce willis from that terrible movie unbreakable with samuel jackson. pretty sweet. hope your good fortune continues.
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