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Old 04-28-2021, 04:06 AM
tschock tschock is offline
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Originally Posted by D. Bergin View Post
I didn't call anybody in this thread an anti-vaxxer. Earlier I used the term "anti-vaxxer nonsense" regarding a crazy theory espousing herd immunity through spreading the actual virus to the entire population rather then locking down or quarantining, or wearing masks. A theory that became obsolete the second a vaccine became available.
Assuming your "anti-vaxxer nonsense" was in regard to my post, I really don't think you understood what was being 'espoused'. It isn't a 'crazy theory' but a scientific one and one that works all the time. However in no way was I implying that it should be applied for Covid. While I wouldn't go as far to say 'liberal shaming tactics', you position bias does show in your response.

You do realize that according to the CDC's own website where they list the Covid related deaths, they are just that. Covid related. "Most death certificates (COVID-19 or otherwise) list more than one cause of death."

Not specifically to you, but in general:
People throw around the 'cold hard facts' about the deaths caused by Covid. But the same people constantly and conveniently ignore the non-death impact on everyone's lives. They talk about science and facts but ignore the science and facts of shortening lifespans of the non-death health impact, such as stress, suicide, etc. You can't harp on one and ignore the other. Likewise you can't use the non-death impact as an argument against masks/quarantine/shutdowns. The depth of the true 'cold hard facts' impact won't even begin to be known until well after this is over. If you truly want to understand the impact, you can't use number of deaths, but how many person-years were lost because of the virus or how we reacted to it. Which is really cold , but the only true measurement of the impact. Not just raw deaths.

And anecdotes are just that.

And for what it's worth, my first Covid shot didn't affect me any different than any other shot I've gotten. Assuming the microchip they implant with the shot doesn't cause any adverse side effects.

Last edited by tschock; 04-28-2021 at 04:08 AM. Reason: correction
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