Thread: The Weight
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Old 05-02-2021, 07:17 PM
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Raymond 'Robbie' Culpepper
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Columbus, GA
Posts: 6,951

This is so awesome...I thank you for posting and brightening my day.

I love the studio version and dearly miss Levon Helm...

all the same, I will put the youtube link up on my face book page.


Originally Posted by Casey2296 View Post
“The Weight”

Be happy not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything. -Buddha-

I originally named this piece “The Wait” but while hen pecking the keyboard I noticed how divisive certain threads were becoming, almost immediately, with pointed attacks and acerbic comments to fellow members quickly devolving into a tit-for-tat shitshow that really had nothing to do with the original post or baseball card collecting in general and some thoughts occurred to me.
I don’t expect things to change anytime soon as it seems that’s how people have learned to treat each other online in the last couple of decades, I’ve also been known to be an asshole at times and felt the urge to throw out some unpleasant comments but have stopped myself short (most of the time) because for me, I care deeply about how special this place is with regards to card collecting.

So I try and spare Net54 of my opinions about things I learned not to discuss at the Sunday dinner table or cocktail parties because it never ends well. The past wasn’t perfect, nor is the present, and the future won’t be either, but the trick is to treat people with compassion, understanding, and respect on the daily, and not only this place but the world around us will be better for it.

I’ll step down from my soap box now and get back to hen pecking the keyboard but I wanted to leave you with a song that always reminds me of compassion when I listen to it.

“The Weight” written by Robbie Robertson of The Band. Some you geezers may remember it as the song is over 50 years old like a lot of us.
This is my favorite version, feel free to enjoy it while reading on.

One thing I learned being in the Music business for 25 years was that no matter your skin color, religious, sexual, or political orientation the one universal language we could all agree on was Music, a constant bridge over what divides us. I also found a parallel between my attitude about music and my attitude about card collecting. For me, this is the place where I come to talk about and share the “Music” of card collecting which inspired me to write about something I’ve learned here.

“The Wait”

Patience is not only the ability to wait, it is the ability to have a good attitude while you are waiting. -Buddha-

When I got back into card collecting and built my list of 300 I wanted it all. Wanted it fast! now! asap! Like a squirrel filling his cheeks with acorns until no more would fit.
I got frustrated that things weren’t moving fast enough, treating it like I sometimes treat my business, aggressive. I missed things because I was moving too fast, lessons that were there right in front of me waiting to be picked up, but I was blind to them. Being an Idiot would be a kind assessment, my frustration became a “Weight” because I tried to force things.
It wasn’t until I applied some of the lessons that I learned long ago and listened to the lessons of card collecting that things really started to fall into place.

I also received great advice from some long-time members here that was invaluable. Thank you for that.

Armed with my newfound enlightenment and liking a good challenge, I chose some goals that would test my ability, certain cards, certain types, and a couple of sets that would force me to slow down. Similar to climbing a Mountain that might be just above your current skill level but knowing you will learn the right lessons along the way while getting to the summit.

The “Card Gods” were talking and I was finally listening.

Always be prepared for you never know when an opportunity may present itself. Calm down, just calm down, breathe, and relax. Focus on what you want your collection to look like and visualize it. If a card is meant to be yours and you are prepared and open to receiving it, that card will come to you on its own time in its own way. You can’t force card collecting, it never works out well. You can’t be filled with negative energy or selfishness and do this thing right.

Treat people with kindness and respect, make friends, that’s the true reward in this hobby. Be generous with your time, knowledge, and support.

Learn to wait, the reward is infinitely better.

And the stories here, truly inspirational stories from dozens of members about “The Wait”.

-Morrie hitting 520 after 40 years, unbelievable.

-Leon building his next great collection.

-My good friend Andy and his unshakeable perseverance, who reminds me it’s not about the money, ever.

-Tbob and his quest for an E94 Master Set, good god, can you imagine.

-All you crazy T206 back collectors. Just smh, y’all are certifiable.

-A long time member building a set that I would think nigh impossible, but he’s much nearer the end than the beginning. I believe he’ll make it.

-Val collecting all things Sam Rice, literally all things Sam Rice, if there was rice named Sam Rice, Val would have it.

-Michael's 5 year quest for just the right Hindu back Trio.

-Ben's PC796 run. Rob's Coupon run. Chad's 33 Goudey run. Jeff's Joe Jackson goal. Story after story of incredible card collecting adventures.

-And one of my personal favorites: Howard's 30 year wait to capture his Bazooka Clemente.

So many stories about waiting, collecting, and the journey in between. Too many stories to count but each one of them impressive in their own way.

And I silently cheer every one of you on when I read your stories and throw positive vibes your way that one day that card will come to you.

Because it will, as long as you embrace “The Wait”.

House rules require a card with every post, this is the only one that felt appropriate. Happy Collecting!

"A life is not important except in the impact it has on others lives" - Jackie Robinson

“If you have a chance to make life better for others and fail to do so, you are wasting your time on this earth.”- Roberto Clemente
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