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Old 05-03-2021, 06:38 PM
Mike D. Mike D. is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: West Greenwich, RI
Posts: 1,529

Peter Gammons spoke to my SABR chapter a few years back. Most guest speakers would show up maybe 15 min before they'd start speaking to us (usually shortly after lunch). Not Peter. He got there a few minutes after I did...about 15 min before the meeting started at like 9:30 or 10 AM. He stayed the whole day.

Just before the meeting, I walked over to get an autograph and tell him I enjoyed his writing...we ended up chatting for 10 min or so while the meeting got started. Very down to earth and you could tell he just loved baseball.

My SABR chapter is a hoot...twice a year at their meetings, I can say two things I can not usually say:

1. I'm the worst person in a crowded room at baseball trivia.

2. I'm the youngest person in the room. I'm in my mid-40's, but this groups has far more people over 70 than under. It's a fun group because you'll have someone talk about watching Bob Feller pitch in person, then reach into his wallet and pull out a well loved Feller card he's had since he was a kid.

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