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Old 05-05-2021, 11:54 PM
Volod Volod is offline
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Originally Posted by Harliduck View Post
I love it too...I got to imagine it wasn't easy for some of the uni internet back then! A little work was involved...especially when you see Irn Noren or someone like that, not exactly household names in the 50s out here in Washington state.
Yes, no interweb, and very little baseball coverage on TV, either. My brother and I decided in - I believe it was 1953 - to try to buy a complete set of official team yearbooks, so that we could have bios (and uni numbers of course) for all MLB players. I think we bought the books from a second hand dealer advertising in the back of a S&S annual because I recall that we paid 50 cents for most of the books, but the NY-based teams were more expensive, maybe a buck or two. Even at those prices, we viewed the purchase as a major investment - man, $12 or so - for books!
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