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Old 05-13-2021, 07:34 AM
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Rhotchkiss Rhotchkiss is offline
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Sorry, I can’t help myself- the stimulus was/is an F-Ing joke. It is not “aid”, it’s stimulus, intended to kick start an economy that really was not doing bad. I am all for aid. But this was not aid. I have no problem giving money for people in need to pay rent, buy groceries, food and gas, etc. But this round of checks was not that. Like the first round, it was a total giveaway of an arbitrary amount of money based on arbitrary limits, with no regard to need or geography (latter point being $1000 goes much further in Arkansas than in Manhattan).

I pay a lot in taxes. And I am sure I will pay more under this administration. And I don’t mind that, if my money was being used properly. But just writing checks to people, in a decent economy, regardless of need or where they live and based on arbitrary income limits (having nothing to do with need), is 1000% wasteful and despicable.

As for the card market - people will get killed, totally crushed. As they will with stocks, and wines, and real estate, etc. I think we headed are off a cliff, which actually presents opportunity. I have felt this way for a long time. I knew the card market was in for it When random bankers and brokers stopped emailing me articles about cards and instead sent me pictures of the cards they recently invested in. That said, I think some cards (and stocks and real estate, etc) will hold up much better than others, and may actually increase in value. All that said, I don’t know shit......
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