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Old 05-13-2021, 09:54 AM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Originally Posted by egri View Post
Out of myself, my parents, and my sister, I have by far the most stable income and am the only one who didn’t lose a red cent in all this. I was the only one of the four to get the stimulus checks.
My best friend of 31 yrs has an insurance agency with several employees. He is very profitable and hasn't lost too much during the pandemic so far. He has probably gotten more by now but he got 50k of free money, stimulus BS, for not laying employees off that he had no intention of ever laying off. Well spent tax money right there.
Our society has apparently lost it's collective sense. How smart do you have to be to figure out if you pay someone more to not work than to work, they will choose to not work? Of course there will be exceptions but is this basic principle, like the more money there is the less it's worth, so hard to grasp? The very people all of this is supposed to help are going to get hurt the worst in the long run. Just one person's opinion and your mileage may vary.

Rant over...

Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 05-13-2021 at 09:55 AM.
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