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Old 05-14-2021, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
In the US it does, for whatever reason, seem to be a political issue. I would be willing to bet there is a pretty good statistical correlation between position on the vaccine and party affiliation. Indeed I recently saw a rather startling statistic on the percentage of people who call themselves Republicans who don't intend to get it.
I think the correlation is more along the lines of people who think for themselves being less likely to take it, as opposed to people who blindly do what they are told.

For the record, I think for myself and decided to get the shots.

Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
Not unusual for America I suppose. For example, you would think which person you believe in a he said she said sexual assault case would probably correlate more with your sex than anything else, but if the alleged perpetrator is a political figure (e.g. a Supreme Court nominee), party affiliation becomes a huge factor.
I think the correlation here is that people who think for themselves see an accusation, brought forward for the first time 35 years after the fact, where even the accusers own witnesses said it didn't happen, has little merit, while people who blindly follow their party are willing to destroy a person's career.

Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
The irony there is when the next accused is from the other party, everyone changes sides.
I disagree. I could give a clear example but I'd be violating a rule.
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