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Old 05-19-2021, 01:19 PM
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Peter_Spaeth Peter_Spaeth is offline
Peter Spaeth
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
Because people died from the flu. Just like people die from Covid. If your argument is that I have an ethical obligation to wear a mask because you are scared and your vaccine is only 95% effective, but you are at no greater risk than a flue patient in 2019, it is fair to ask what you did when the danger was also tiny but present. It is you who used the excuse that the government didn’t order this for the flu. It is fair to then ask if our standard is ethical or based upon the orders of the state then. It seems that under your last argument I have to wear a mask around people depending on what governmental body has jurisdiction in that place and what they have directed, not the life-saving argument you first used.

I might be young, maybe I’m going downhill, but at least I don’t claim you have to live YOUR life according to MY whims.
But the flaw in your reasoning is that I had no reason to know or think about any of this in 2019, at least I was not aware of any public discourse on the subject.

Plus a lot of people haven't been vaccinated and are still at whatever their baseline risk was, so (assuming for argument's sake masks cut down on transmission) you're still exposing them even if you're not exposing me very much.
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Last edited by Peter_Spaeth; 05-19-2021 at 01:21 PM.
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