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Old 05-22-2021, 09:06 PM
bigfanNY bigfanNY is offline
Jonathan Sterling
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Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe View Post
and for such bad blood Curtiss sure liked to live on the edge....
Yes it was many years of Bad Blood. The Baby Ruth Candy Bar first appeared in 1921 and the Date on the Baby Ruth gum ad was 1929. Curtiss took full advantage of the great success of the Baby Ruth bar. And unless the Bambino name was copyright by someone they were free to use that name as well. If it worked before why not keep it up?
Babe Ruth Candy co was Formed in 1926 and competed directly against Baby Ruth when it issued the Home Run Bar.
In 1931 the case went to court and they found in favor of Curtiss Candy. Babe Ruth candy ceased opereations shortly after losing the case in 1931.
So not only did Ruth not receive a penny for the sales of Baby Ruth he was out legal fees and had to shut down a revenue stream.
My Statements About Curtiss and Ruth really dont have anything to do with your sign which is labeled as coming from General Gum, Not Curtiss Candy. Aside from the fact that your sign lists an address known to be used By Curtiss Candy. But to date no proof exists that General gum did in fact have offices at that address in 1934/1935.
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