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Old 05-27-2021, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
I am not referencing Net54 at all.

I live in the SF Bay Area, where even quietly going about your business without partaking is at best seen as highly problematic. The emotional investment in the narrative runs very deep. At the height people would literally call the cops if someone was taking a walk outdoors without a mask (even though this technically escaped most of the states mandates). I’ve seen just how loving and tolerant my caring neighbors are with anyone who disagrees with their key narratives. It’s gotten slightly better, but still difficult to go out anywhere without some throwing a profane tantrum.
Move to Texas.

I got my vaccine because of what I have read and seen. Statistically it is better to have one. To say otherwise seems to be contrary to the vast majority of health professionals opinions and research I have read. Ane at this point I am not wearing a mask where I am not required to. If people want to wear one, awesome, if they don't, awesome. I don't care any longer because anyone who wants a vaccine can get one. If they get Covid it's on them not me. And I am aware that the efficacy rate of the vaccines isn't 100% but it's 94%- 95%, so I am taking my chances. I am also aware we don't know of long term side effects. I still think the I made the right decision for me. To each their own.

Leon Luckey
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