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Old 06-06-2021, 06:56 AM
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
I don't blame David one bit as it is clear as it ever could be, that despite what has been presented throughout this thread from him, G1911, myself and others, it simply isn't good enough for you two.
It is futile to continue and despite what you are asking for, I don't think anyone on here should hold your hand and walk you through it just because you're incapable, or unwilling, to do that yourself.

The simple fact that these vaccines alone have been rushed through and are only approved for "emergency use only" should throw up a red flag and should make one question it and look further into it but my gut tells me because you probably watch CNN, MSNBC or read The New York Times, and trust your gov't, you think you are getting truthful, factual and unbiased news so you feel no need to look into things further.
Wrong guy, Irv! Nowhere on this thread have I said people should get the vaccine. Nowhere! All I'm saying is, David is blasting people and calling them rude names (See post right above this one) because they follow the government's lead. I know David's side, I do get it, I am just asking how he got there. David (and others) blast much of the research presented as biased. (Again, you don't see me defending the research, do you?) My direct and polite question for David has repeatedly been: If you blast others for following biased information, what UNbiased information do you listen to? Please notice that all he will tell us is his gut and personal experience.

You, Irv, have presented many columns and research and such showing how you've come to your views. I may or may not agree with you, but I can see how you got there. Peter has presented columns and research, shown his side, and I can agree or not. David, well, he just insults those who don't think like him, but claims everyone else is "biased." I actually like to read views different from what I currently hold, that's the only way I can grow.

And FWIW, I think the last paragraph you posted started off quite spot-on, until you went making assumptions. I don't watch TV news of any kind. I read the NYT and the WSJ. I don't blindly trust the Gov't. So what do you make of me? Also, you say people who watch CNN and read the NYT don't think for themselves, do you also say the same to people who only watch Fox News and read the WSJ?? I have someone in my own family that will parrot Fox repeatedly, then tell me I don't have an open mind.

You brought up G1911, I would like to give him a shout out: I'm sure I wouldn't agree with him on every subject, but each post he made here was, IMHO, well-written and logical. No inflammatory language, just a great debate. The kind people used to have before shouting down an opponent and "winning" became the way. He appears to be the kind of guy to have a few beers with, argue non-stop, then walk away saying "That guy has some dumbass views, but I love him!"
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