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Old 07-04-2021, 08:58 AM
jimjim jimjim is offline
Matthew Wy.llie
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 758

Originally Posted by slidekellyslide View Post
I’ve had managed payment through eBay for about 9 months now with no problem. They hold your money longer than PayPal did but I have payment go through daily so I don’t really notice.
I am late to the game, as I don't sell that much on eBay but I just had my first experience with their new payment system. The big difference is they 'hold' my money for 2-3 days as they are 'processing' it. I can't transfer to my bank account right after the sale is complete as I did on PayPal.

Essentially eBay is working the system and making interest on the 2-3 days of holding my money. Think of all that money 'on hold' and that adds up each and every day. So I am essentially giving eBay a short term interest free loan. These companies have no shame. Just like Comcast constantly raising the price on equipment that I 'lease' from them, which I have had for 12 years. Same equipment but higher prices every year.

Last edited by jimjim; 07-04-2021 at 01:50 PM.
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