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Old 07-24-2021, 11:26 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,276

Originally Posted by Casey2296 View Post
I like the "Barons" Bob, rolls off the tongue nicely. Could also be a nice interlocking "CB" logo ala "NY" Yankees. The problem with 3 syllable team names is most of them don't roll off the tongue well. The Indians and Buccaneers being two exceptions to that rule that come to mind.
Makes sense. And here are what some of the old logos looked like.

I especially like the very first one of the big letter "B" with the top hat sitting on top of it and cocked slightly to the side, with the hockey stick running through it. Just replace the hockey stick with a baseball bat and you have a winner. Also like the large "C" with with a picture of the state of Ohio in the middle of it with a "B" superimposed on the state. That would look really great on a uniform. And the character with the monocle and top hat is kind of neat as well. Just replace the hockey uniform with a baseball uniform and you have a great mascot as well. And you could try to entice an actual Baron from England to show up for a promotion or something maybe. LOL